Our Back to Workplace Initiative

A Message to our Valued Friends & Clients

At Bellia, we know how important it is to get your employees back to work when appropriate and provide them with a work environment that they can feel comfortable working in. With almost 50 years of experience, the Bellia Team has scoured the market in search of the best solutions to suit your needs Post COVID-19. We hope the research we are providing below helps you along your journey & wish you and your family the very best.

Anthony K Bellia & The Bellia Family.

The Appearance of Your Lobby – And Why It Matters

The Appearance of Your Lobby – And Why It Matters

Most business and office space owners don’t need to be told that the condition of their...
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How Important Quiet Spaces Are In The Workplace

How Important Quiet Spaces Are In The Workplace

It goes without saying that employees are less productive in a distracting environment. An office full...
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Employee Energy – And How You Can Improve It

Employee Energy – And How You Can Improve It

While it’s probably not the easiest thing to quantify with numbers, it’s doubtful that any employer...
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Can Your Employees Focus Like They Need To?

Can Your Employees Focus Like They Need To?

There have been remarkable innovations in office design in recent years, especially as the pandemic created...
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Creating Hybrid Collaborative Spaces in the Office

Creating Hybrid Collaborative Spaces in the Office

As technology enables us to host meetings where virtual attendance is almost always an option, we’re...
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3 Solutions to Office Noise

3 Solutions to Office Noise

A common concern in the workplace…excessive noise. People chatting (and sometimes shouting), loud equipment being used,...
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Office Space Design That Is Environmentally Responsible

Office Space Design That Is Environmentally Responsible

The professionals at Bellia are dedicated to designing office spaces for the future, and that includes...
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The Future of Office Space Design

The Future of Office Space Design

What does the future of office space design look like? It’s an interesting and sometimes difficult...
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How to Support A Work From Home Model

How to Support A Work From Home Model

As we all know by now, recent world events have caused a great increase in employees...
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Creating A Workspace That Encourages Employees to Return

Creating A Workspace That Encourages Employees to Return

After a long period of so many employees working remotely, there is currently a move to...
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Making Your Corporate Headquarters Attractive to Employees

Making Your Corporate Headquarters Attractive to Employees

As the COVID-19 pandemic has likely outlasted the time period of what most of us expected,...
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Returning to Work After the Pandemic

Returning to Work After the Pandemic

Businesses are doing their best to stay prepared as they plan for employees returning to work...
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