Cultivating the Next Generation of Leaders

Recently the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia conducted the Cultivating the Next Generation of Leaders in Greater Philadelphia Survey.  This survey was designed to gain understanding of the personal, regional and professional motivators of the area’s emerging mid-career professionals.  The survey yielded some interesting information about the professional lives of mid career professionals.  At […]

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How You Can Help Raise the Magnetism of the Tri State Area

Raising the magnetism of the Tri-state area is something that all businesses need to begin thinking about.  In the area, we have a number of top-notch colleges producing top talent each year, and we often lose these graduates to other markets. By investing in our businesses and promoting an area with a strong family-business presence, […]

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Attract Top Graduates To Stay & Work in The Tri-State

Are you poised to attract top graduates? 2017 is the year that businesses begin investing in the future of the Tri-state area. Did you know that in this area, there are a number of colleges that are continually producing top graduates in their respective fields, yet the Philadelphia area continues to lose this talent to […]

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Don’t Just Sit There! Set Your Company Apart With These 6 Tips

Did you know that there are 79K jobs within the Greater Philadelphia area that are available? As job seekers search for a company to call their own, how are you positioning your company to stand apart from the rest?  Set Your Company Apart with The Power of Social Media Recruiting top talent is easier when your […]

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What does your office design say about your brand?

Have you ever considered what does your office design say about your brand? You never get a second chance to make a first impression when it comes to the appearance of your office.  The minute someone walks through your doors, you have made an impression on them about who you are as an organization. The […]

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Planning for the future

Take a look around your office space.  Is your space placing you at a competitive advantage not only now but for the future? When you think of office space planning in terms of future growth, words like adjustable and flexible should come to mind. By adding flexibility into your office design, not only will you […]

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Planning Your Legacy – Prepare For Future Innovation

Every CEO leaves a legacy behind, and while office design may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of your leadership goals, it plays a valuable and important role in defining the mark you will leave as a leader. Research shows that the key to leaving a lasting legacy of success […]

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Collegiate Design: The New Driver for Workplace Design

When making the jump from collegiate to corporate environments, recently hired graduates are often “lost in transition.” 82% of them in fact. Not only are new hires baffled by the relevance of their physical space (“cube farms”), but also by the work styles expected of them. In order to support the work styles of the newest […]

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Race For Talent: Communicate Company Values Through Design

Today it’s more critical than ever for organizations to attract and retain top talent, and one component that can be used for recruiting, but is often overlooked, is the workplace. It’s more than just desks and chairs. Research shows that the work environment accounts for up to 25% of job satisfaction. Offering workers an attractive […]

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How the CEO can help Reduce Distractions in an Open Office

About 70 percent of US companies have adopted an open office. The benefit of having an open office is that it maximizes space while keeping down costs, but the amount of distractions employees encounter often hurt productivity. To get the most out of your workday, have your staff try a few of these tips to […]

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