Don’t Just Sit There! Set Your Company Apart With These 6 Tips

Did you know that there are 79K jobs within the Greater Philadelphia area that are available? As job seekers search for a company to call their own, how are you positioning your company to stand apart from the rest? 

Set Your Company Apart with The Power of Social Media

Recruiting top talent is easier when your organization’s name is out there.  It is important to take stock in what sort of recruitment channels your company is using to find the best employees.  Often organizations limit themselves to their company websites and job boards to advertise open positions, but experts state that 86% of job seekers use social media in their search.  Social media is an effective platform to generate interest from top talent.  You can highlight employee accomplishments, showing just how your company values its employees.  Social media can also be used to show your company’s culture. Posting photos of your unique workspace or the ways your company gives back to the community will give top talent a way to understand the culture of their potential work place.

Set Your Company Apart with Branding

Not only is it important for a potential employee to see the culture of your organization through social media, but your brand should also be on display once you get them through your doors. Office design is a powerful resource to leverage your brand. When top talent enters your workspace, they will immediately make a judgement about your company just by the way your workspace appears. Is your workspace a place where people will want to work? Does your space convey a message about your brand and culture? Is your space inviting and engaging? As you think about your employee recruitment and retention strategy, make sure you include dynamic office design as a tool to attract employees.

How does your organization stand apart from the rest?

Once you get jobseekers through your doors for the interview, what do they want in a potential employer?

Set Your Company Apart with Work-life balance

One thing that is important to most jobseekers and current employees want is work-life balance. Companies that offer flexibility to achieve a work-life balance have happier, more engaged. employees that work for them. Happier employees are more likely to recommend your company to a friend. Not to mention that when employees are in a positive, work environment they are more productive, efficient and healthier.  When it comes to office design, a flexible office design can be achieved through providing a variety of spaces to collaborate, complete focused work and get their jobs finished in the best way possible.  By incorporating this flexibility into your space, it will generate added appeal to potential employees.

Room to grow

Are you a company that offers ways to mentor and educate your employees? Top talent wants an organization that will provide them with multiple opportunities for growth in the job that they do.  Current employees benefit from this as well because as your staff sharpens their skills and learns new information their work quality and productivity improves as well.

It’s All in the Experience

When your company creates a positive work space experience for top talent and current employees, it is positioning itself not only to get potential employees to accept the job offer but stay and grow with your organization for a long time. By using office design to create meaningful connections between potential employees and current staff to the mission and culture of your organization, your company will develop a strong reputation where everyone wants to work.

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