
The Impact of Noise in Your Workplace – And What You Can Do About It

The Impact of Noise in Your Workplace

Whether your employees work in an office, warehouse, store or other environment, being able to focus requires a sufficient amount of quiet. It’s not just people talking that can be a distraction. Office employees especially are subjected to the sound of HVAC systems, printers, ringtones, text alerts…you get it. Soon background noise simply becomes an […]

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How Important Quiet Spaces Are In The Workplace

How Important Quiet Spaces Are In The Workplace

It goes without saying that employees are less productive in a distracting environment. An office full of external conversations, visitors, and other concentration disruptions isn’t conducive to efficiency. Furthermore, distractions turning up in frequent situations increases stress. That stress contributes to employee burnout, slower production and decreased quality of output. The desire to work in […]

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3 Solutions to Office Noise

3 Solutions to Office Noise Frasch 1

A common concern in the workplace…excessive noise. People chatting (and sometimes shouting), loud equipment being used, phones ringing, and other aural distractions can affect productivity. If you are not sure which acoustic solution is right for you, below are some answers to when and where acoustic panels are necessary, and the problems they can solve. […]

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Outdoor Office Spaces are Becoming a Hot Trend

Outdoor Office Spaces are Becoming a Hot Trend

As technology enables a rapidly growing number of employees to work remotely, and as companies focus more on offices with inviting meeting spaces rather than desks and cubicles, outdoor office spaces are becoming a hot trend. In areas with comfortable climates especially, companies can take advantage of growing technology…ironically, to help people enjoy nature more […]

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The Future of Office Space Design

The Future of Office Space Design

What does the future of office space design look like? It’s an interesting and sometimes difficult to answer question. With the world changing in so many ways and businesses adapting to changing needs, office design will require adaptation as well. This article from the Haworth® blog goes into some details about five themes that will […]

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Designing Spaces for Higher Education

Designing Spaces for Higher Education

Designing spaces for higher education in 2021 is a very different animal than it was not very long ago. The competition for top academic talent in universities is much greater, and students are going to be looking for a variety of advantages and comforts involved in attending an institution. As a result, colleges are making […]

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Creating A Work From Anywhere Environment

Creating A Work From Anywhere Environment

As the COVID-19 pandemic appears to finally be subsiding, the remote working environment has remained ongoing for many companies and people. Creating a work from anywhere environment, however, isn’t just as simple as providing remote connections and cloud services to employees. The best performers on your team need to be able to effectively collaborate and […]

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Haworth – Workware

Connect and Share at the Pace of Ideas Workware Work is an Activity, not a place. Increasingly, it’s a group Activity: sharing progress, touching base, comparing notes, Considering multiple points of view. With Workware, these activities get easier for everyone. An uninterrupted exchange of information is essential for communication and creative problem solving in groups. […]

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Haworth – Bluescape

Invalid Displayed Gallery Haworth Bluescape Introducing Bluescape™, the visual collaborative workspace. Work at the same time or on your own time in an always-on collaboration space, seamlessly sharing ideas, media and documents.

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Haworth – LIM

Invalid Displayed Gallery Download PDF Haworth LIM Information LIM is a multi-purpose, multi-task LED lighting family that offers design continuity and freedom. Its simple, elemental structure is versatile and can be used in many applications.

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