
Moving Sustainability Forward: Haworth Cardigan Circular Lounge Chair

Haworth Cardigan Circular Lounge Chair

Everywhere in the business world, companies are looking to improve product and manufacturing sustainability, as the world looks to a cleaner future with the goal of zero waste. There is always room for improvement and making things better, and while the ultimate goal may never be entirely achievable, many businesses have shown remarkable innovation. This […]

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Keeping Your Students’ Devices Running

Keeping Your Students’ Devices Running

In the modern world of education, students of all ages are using laptops and other devices constantly. They use them in the classroom, at home, and wherever else their studies and homework may take them. While these devices open up a whole new world of possibilities and simpler solutions, it does occasionally present a challenge […]

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The Appearance of Your Lobby – And Why It Matters

The Appearance of Your Lobby – And Why It Matters

Most business and office space owners don’t need to be told that the condition of their lobby is important. The lobby is your first impression, on customers, prospects, and potential future employees. It’s where you welcome everyone who visits your business. As you know of course, your first impression matters, and it immediately sets the […]

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Employee Energy – And How You Can Improve It

Employee Energy – And How You Can Improve It

While it’s probably not the easiest thing to quantify with numbers, it’s doubtful that any employer would question that a workplace environment affects employees’ energy level. For example, a workplace with stained carpets or overflowing garbage will negatively affect employee morale. Have you considered the arrangement of your offices and how you can improve it […]

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Can Your Employees Focus Like They Need To?

Can Your Employees Focus Like They Need To 2

There have been remarkable innovations in office design in recent years, especially as the pandemic created a need more hybrid-oriented positions. That said, there are still challenges to overcome. Most companies require a level of collaboration among employees, and they create specific spaces for doing so. In other cases, a certain amount of interaction is […]

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Helping New Moms In The Workplace

Helping New Moms In The Workplace 2

As offices continue to retool and make the most of their space, and as companies continue to strive for inclusion, there is a growing number of companies that are finding new ways to attract and keep top talent in every demographic. This includes working mothers, especially new mothers, as companies are designing spaces in the […]

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What Is Biophilic Design, And What Is Its Role in Office Space?

Biophilic Design in the Workplace

Are you employing elements of biophilic design in your workplace? Chances are that you are to some extent, even if you’re not familiar with the term. As more and more employees are returning to the workplace, companies are doing more to enhance their working environment. Biophilic design can play a large role in improving the […]

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3 Solutions to Office Noise

3 Solutions to Office Noise Frasch 1

A common concern in the workplace…excessive noise. People chatting (and sometimes shouting), loud equipment being used, phones ringing, and other aural distractions can affect productivity. If you are not sure which acoustic solution is right for you, below are some answers to when and where acoustic panels are necessary, and the problems they can solve. […]

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How To Compliment Your Company’s Brand With Office Design

your company’s brand

If you’re considering an office redesign for your business, you should be thinking about how your company’s brand is represented. When customers, visitors, employees and prospective customers and employees visit your office, what are they seeing? Are they seeing an office that creates a visual image of your company’s values? Are visitors and daily occupants […]

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The Future of Office Space Design

The Future of Office Space Design

What does the future of office space design look like? It’s an interesting and sometimes difficult to answer question. With the world changing in so many ways and businesses adapting to changing needs, office design will require adaptation as well. This article from the Haworth® blog goes into some details about five themes that will […]

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