
3 Ways to Brand Your Workspace

Each year, businesses spend millions of dollars promoting their brands through advertising and marketing. While marketing your brand through advertising is critical, your workspace is also important in promoting your brand and the message you want employees and clients to receive about you. As you take a look at your current space, is it reflecting […]

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7 Tips For A Successful Office Renovation

An office renovation doesn’t need to be a stressful process. Here are seven tips for a successful office renovation.

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Can office design motivate and inspire your employees?

Every employer is looking for ways to boost productivity and inspire and motivate its workforce.  By doing so, not only will your improve your bottom line, but you will also create an environment that will attract top talent and help you business surpass the competition.   Recent studies have suggested that workspace can serve as […]

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4 Hot Design Trends in Education

The world of education has changed in the 21st century, and classroom design has changed along with it.  Here are a four trends that are leading the way. Flexible, Reconfigurable Spaces Like the business world, schools are schools have moved away from traditionally designed classrooms and have adopted a flexible, open floor plan. Because students […]

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Creating a Good First Impression – The Reception Area

As the saying goes, “you never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” Because your reception area receives the most foot traffic from employees and clients alike, it is important that its design is welcoming, tells a story, creates a positive experience for visitors and inspires your employees.  It should immediately convey […]

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6 Ways to Create a Happier Workplace Through Office Design

When it comes to employees, the happier they are the more loyal and productive they will be.  A recent study found that less than a third of workers feel engaged in their jobs.  One of the best ways to create happy and engaged employees is to create a workspace that they love.   Here are […]

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All About ABW (Activity Based Work Areas )

Take a look around your office, is the design meeting everyone’s needs? When a workspace is designed to suit the needs of your employees, your outcomes will be exactly what every organization is looking for.  Your space will maximize efficiency, increase engagement and enhance your organization’s brand and culture.  If you haven’t quite found an […]

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Biophilic Design

In the 1980’s, a scholar named Edward O. Wilson popularized the concept of biophilic design in architecture and interior design. Biophilia means love of life or living things.  As humans, we have an innate connection to nature and the natural world.  Biophilic design incorporates nature and natural elements into workspaces, improving the physiological and psychological […]

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5 ways an office interior makeover can save you money

Often times, when a company is considering a redesign or update of their office space, they choose to delay it because they are worried about the upfront cost and the impact that it will have on productivity while work is taking place.  However, when you redo your workspace, there comes with it a significant return […]

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The impact of color in the workplace

When you look around your office, do you see bland white walls and no variety of colors? Then it might be time for a change.  Business experts agree that color can have dramatic effects on the way employees feel, work and view their office environment.  Further, scientific studies have found that certain colors in the […]

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