Is your workspace helping your business agility?

Business agility refers to the ability of a business to quickly adapt to changes in the internal and external environment in productive and cost-effective ways.  Two qualities that are critical in maintaining long-term business agility are adaptability and flexibility. One of aspect of maintaining business agility that is often overlooked is your workspace or physical environment. It is essential because the design of your space has an impact on creating positive business outcomes.

Because your workspace is a critical component to business agility, before you make changes to improve your space, consider the following things:

Number of employees.  How many people use your space? Do you workers have the proper amount of space to do their job? Do you have adequate space to support the functions of each department, space for common areas and conference rooms?

Floor plan.  It is important to evaluate your current floor plan to see if it is functional, practical and efficient.  Do certain departments need to be located near each other because they often collaborate? Are your maximizing the use of your space? Does the floor plan reflect the style of your business?

Design.  After evaluating the practicality and function of your floor plan, think the about the design.  Because the design can impact culture, productivity, innovation and collaboration, is the design of your space supporting the needs of your business?

Brand and Culture.  Your workspace is your most important brand messenger.  Is your workspace reflecting your brand?  Does your space convey the right message to employees and visitors?

By evaluating your current space, it will help you to assess whether or not your space is contributing to the success of your business.  In order to support your business agility, your workspace should be designed to strategically enhance the operational efficiency and functionality of your business.  When you invest in the design of your space, it will have a dramatic impact on your profitability, productivity and your overall success.

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