Why Office Lighting Matters

As a business or office owner, you’re probably aware that any office needs sufficient and not overpowering lighting. But have you given any thought to why office lighting matters, and the difference that the right type of lighting can make on your staff?
Three Reasons Why Office Lighting Matters To Your Employees
As detailed in this recent article from our friends at Haworth®, there are three ways in which office lighting affects the well-being of the occupants: enhancement of work performance, the feeling created by access to natural light, and its effects on the acoustics of the room. With this knowledge, an employer can turn the office lighting into an advantage and add another perk to attract and keep top talent.
Regarding work performance enhancement, the article notes that any employee can be distracted by light that is too bright, or light that is insufficient for a task. Having the ability to control and adjust the amount of light an employee works with offers a level of empowerment and comfort that leads to a happier and more productive staff.
As far as the amount of natural light in the workplace, the article points out that more natural light creates positive energy, reduces stress, and makes employees generally feel more appreciated. It mentions skylights and additional windows as a great potential addition to office areas, especially during winter months that see less daylight.
In the third case, the article specifically mentions studies that show that lighting actually can affect the acoustics of a room, and have an impact on background noise and its level of distraction. This is a professional level of office design, but it may be worth the investment for office owners looking to create optimal spaces for employees.
If you’re interested in learning more about why office lighting matters in your business, be sure to give this informative article a read. If you’d like to know more about how we can help you with an office design that you and your employees will love, reach out to the team at Bellia Office Design today…we specialize in helping you love the space you’re in!