7 Tips For A Successful Office Renovation

An office renovation doesn’t need to be a stressful process. Here are seven tips for a successful office renovation.

  1. Be Clear on the Goals of the Renovation. Before you begin the project, your goals should be discussed and agreed upon amongst the decision makers of your company. Make sure these goals are written down because they are critical in staying on budget and completing your renovation on time. 
  2. Communication is Critical. When employees are faced with an office renovation, it can be disruptive, especially when the impact is not understood. Communicating the vision and goals of the renovation to the staff is a good way to let everyone know what is going on and rid the staff of any concerns. Make sure to provide updates during construction, so your employees feel like they are in the loop. 
  3. Put Together a Strong Team. Once you have an idea of your goals and your vision, it is important to hire the right team of professionals to help you manage the project because it can be a full-time job. A good professional design team with strong project management experience will be working as your advisor and advocate. A project manager is often critical to the success of your renovation because a project manager will work directly with all those involved in the project–the architect, the contractors, etc.–in order to take some of the burdens off of you and ensure everything is done according to plan. 
  4. Do Your Homework. When you get your team in as early as possible to research your building, you can eliminate many of the problems that often occur during renovations.
  5. Realistic Schedule. The goal of a creating a project schedule is to keep things flowing smoothly so you don’t end up going over budget. Delays have the single largest impact on your project budget. 
  6. Budget Realistically and Plan for Contingency. By setting goals, doing your homework and putting together the right professional team, you will be able to set a realistic budget for your renovation. Actual costs will vary depending on the size of your renovation, but it is important to set aside a contingency. There is nothing worse in a renovation then being surprised by unforeseen costs, so setting aside a 5-10 percent contingency, will allow you to be prepared when the unexpected happens. When you have the right team in place, they can help you do the upfront legwork that will help your renovation stay cost-efficient. 
  7. Work with Your Space. Sometimes in older buildings, there may be quirks or unique features that can’t be ripped out and destroyed, so make them work for you. For example, exposed brick or exposed duct work could become a standout feature of the design becoming an interesting focal point that makes your office stand out from the rest.

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