3 Ways To Use Your Space To Engage With Employees

You can use your space to Engage With Employees. Recent research about employee engagement has found that only 30% of employees are engaged in their work. Drivers of engagement include feeling like your part of the team and being treated fairly by management and feeling overall trust and pride in the organization.

While many aspects of a job can improved engagement, one of the best ways to engage your employees is through your workspace.  Let’s look at a few ways you can use your space as a catalyst for engagement.

Creating Pride in Your Brand

By using your workspace to inspire pride in your brand, your employees will feel a deeper connection with your organization’s message and values. Using the entirety of your space as a consistent and constant visual reminder for your employees will lead to more engaged employees.  Additionally, with increased engagement comes increased productivity.  

Support Creativity and Innovation

The physical environment can have a significant impact on creativity and innovation. Spaces such as breakout areas, kitchens, and comfortable seating areas, are great gathering spots that often lead to spur of the moment creative discussions. It is also important to remember to have a combination of spaces, so after the ideas have been generated, employees can move to quiet and private space to work if needed.  By including a combination of spaces, your workspace will be functional increasing efficiency and making your employees feel more engaged.

Help Your Employees Feel Valued

Because the hard work of your employees is critical in the profitability and success of your company, it is important to make them feel valued.  The more valued they feel will not only increase your employees’ engagement in the work that they do, but make them more committed, loyal and invested in your company.  When designing your space, think about the message that the environment communicates to the employees.  A flexible, functional, updated space will convey to your employees that they are valued and important members of your company.  

If you want to explore ways to update your space to increase employee engagement, let Bellia help.


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