Why Work From Home Policies Are Not Working

Internet connectivity, Zoom technology, Wi-Fi, and remote interaction has made working from home easier than ever and appealing to a great many people. But as Carole Crosnier discusses here on the Haworth blog, a company might be seeing reasons why work from home policies are not working.
Indeed, as the COVID-19 pandemic has driven employees out of the office and working from home, it’s become a question of just how effective people are when working away from the office. This is a welcome development in many respects…as the pandemic continues, more and more technologies are developed to reduce social contact and contain the virus.
As Crosnier notes, for many people working from home can be greatly advantageous. The benefits to individuals are numerous…eliminating commute time, being able to dress any way one pleases, choosing their own surroundings and background music. A person who is home by his or herself has the advantage of being able to shut out distractions, and focus on productivity.
However, as the mass exodus into working from home continues into its second year, Crosnier makes several points at how many employees work better and are more productive in an atmosphere that encourages connection. As she points out, “the essence of a successful organization is all about people working together—collaborating, coordinating, innovating, and making choices.”
Even as someone who doesn’t mind being alone, Crosnier has decided that a daily existence of separation from her colleagues isn’t working for her. Like most of us, she craves the social interaction, the water cooler discussions, the post-work gatherings. With vaccinations abounding, she believes the office will return as a gathering space.
A well designed office can help to create a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere where employees and collaborate and interact together as a team. The immeasurable impact of a workplace of employees isolated from another in your company may be why work from home policies are not working after all.