The Advantages of Standing at Your Desk

In modern day offices, there is a much greater focus on ergonomics than in years past. You may have noticed that there is a growing movement of office workers standing at their desk rather than sitting…it seems tiring, but in fact it’s highly beneficial. The advantages of standing at your desk include decreased health risks, such as lower risk of obesity and chronic back pain over time. Standing at one’s desk can also improve mood and energy levels and ultimately impact productivity.
Bellia is a licensed Haworth® dealer, and our interior design solutions include standing desk capabilities, such as the WorkFit Sit-Stand Workstation from Ergotron. The WorkFit Sit-Stand Workstation enables your employees to easily retrofit their table or desktop and reposition their keyboard and monitor to the ideal height, whether sitting or standing. Properly positioned, this ultimately helps to reduce eye and neck strain and back discomfort.
The Work-Fit Sit-Stand is easily installed and adjusted, enables users to enjoy much more freedom of movement and optimize their interaction, and gives business owners an opportunity to better maximize their valuable office space. As employee interaction and collaborative spaces become increasingly more common, standing desks can be a useful addition to a more productive office.
Being able to enjoy the advantages of standing at your desk is part of an ergonomic focus that can make your office more attractive to health-conscious and active potential hires, and help existing employees enjoy improved flexibility. Flexibility is of great value in offices today, and that includes the ability to maximize comfort in the workplace.
Contact us today to find out more about our standing desk installation or use this form to request your free workspace evaluation. Our team is happy to help you get started. The standing desk is one more way that Bellia can help you love the space you’re in!