How Signage Can Transform Your Space

If someone mentions signage in the workplace to you, you might think of simple, directional signage…maybe instructing visitors where the cafeteria is, or the name of the company and maybe a slogan on the wall. But have you given thought to the impact that colorful, well-designed signage can truly have? When considering a new office design, try giving some thought to how signage can transform your space – and the difference it can make to your employees, customers, and prospects.

Make A Statement With Your Signage

Like the rest of your office space, your signage design speaks to your culture…it can grab a visitor’s attention, and it can convey a message you want to send. When your signage displays beautiful graphics, your company’s value proposition, or a testimonial or statistic, it gets the viewer’s attention…and makes them curious. Effective signage can go beyond representing your logo and brand; it can truly leave a lasting impact in your prospect’s mind.

Imagine replacing the small pictures and posters from that lengthy wall with a fully colored mural that describes all of the selling points of your company, or simply creates a beautiful atmosphere. Beautifully and smartly arranged pictures, graphics, statistics, slogans, or quotes…it can all drive your message home.

Companies such as Takeform are dedicated to creating signage that includes attention grabbing artwork in your offices and retail spaces. You can start from scratch with a design team, or express your vision and have it come to life. To see what we’re talking about, check out some beautiful examples of their completed projects here, and see how effectively signage design works to establish a company’s identity and brand.

As you can see, the possibilities are limitless, and suddenly something as simple as a wall or hallway presents endless branding opportunities. In addition, effective, targeted signage can truly reflect your company’s dedication, and it’s without doubt an edge over companies that don’t take advantage of the opportunity.

Use Your Space…Transform It With Beautiful Signage.

Take the pictures off of that plain wall and replace it a mural, artwork, photos, or patterns. Signage can ensure that your message is repeatedly spoken…to your employees, your customers, your visitors, and your students. It’s all part of an office design that makes a true difference for your bottom line.


Interested In A New Office Design?

If you operate a business in the greater Philadelphia area or South Jersey, try looking to the experts at Bellia to revitalize your office space! We can help you reshape your space for more creativity, efficiency, and return on your investment. Click here to request your free work and space evaluation, and let us help you love the space you’re in!

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