3 Trends in Healthcare Interiors

As the design of hospital interiors continues to evolve, they are increasingly becoming spaces that are attractive, friendly and sophisticated.  The stark white walls and clinical feel of past healthcare settings, have been replaced with home-like spaces that keep the patient’s comfort in mind.  Here are a few trends emerging in healthcare settings:

Environmentally-friendly design.  This trend is one that is predominant in all industries, and the healthcare industry is no different. Studies have shown that exposure to natural light, fresh air, interior gardens and views of natural landscapes, either directly or indirectly, aid in the healing process of patients. Healthcare environments are continuing to trend towards more natural interiors for medical spaces because it is now understand just how important it is, not only aesthetically, but because of the benefits it provides for patients.

Patient-focused. In the past, doctor’s offices or hospitals may have been described as sterile, clinical and uninviting.  Hospitals and healthcare facilities are now taking a page out of the hospitality sector, and creating, warm, and welcoming spaces that take into account the comfort of both patients and staff.

Color choices. The colors in healthcare settings have shifted from stark and white, to vibrant and warm colors that create a sense of calm and comfort.  Natural colors and organic palettes have become the go-to colors for hospitals and medical offices.

When you use design elements to create a healing environment for patients, not only does it improve patient outcomes but it will also improve staff efficiency and morale. An environment that is welcoming and healing will show your staff that you are committed not only to the quality and care of your patients but the well-being of your staff as well. Let Bellia assess and analyze your healthcare facility to see how we can assist in the evolution of your space.

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