5 questions to ask when choosing a professional office furniture provider

5 questions to ask when choosing a professional office furniture provider

Because a majority of our employees will spend a large portion of their time working, the comfort and design of your office and the furniture that goes in the space is crucial to an employees overall engagement, happiness and productivity. Before purchasing furniture on your own, you will want to contact a professional. Not only will a professional answer these questions, but they will also consider other important factors that you might not think of.  Here are five questions to ask a professional furniture provider:

  1. Can you work with my long-term goals?

When choosing a furniture provider, it is important that they want to support your long term goals and vision. Furniture is an investment in your future, it should be durable and last you for many years.  A furniture provider should understand that.

  1. Can you help me to furnish a variety of spaces?

An experienced furniture provider can furnish any space and create drawings and plans to help you visualize the space.  A trained eye can help you optimize your space planning making sure that your brand, culture and style are consistent throughout the space.

  1. Can you help me stay within my budget?

It is important to work with a furniture provider that takes your budget into consideration.  A professional knows where you can cut corners, and where you need to spend money. Remener, furniture is an investment in your future, so it is important to sometimes pay a little more on the front end. Furniture often comes with lifetime warranties and your professional furniture provider can offer insight and advice so that you get the best ROI.

  1.  Will my furniture be delivered and installed on time?

When dealing with a professional furniture provider, they should handle everything during the delivery and installation phase.  They will handle all aspects so that your furniture will meet your timeframe and needs. Make sure that your professional provider is using certified installers who will install your furniture according to installation guidelines.

  1.  Do you have project management services?

Project managers will help you communicate and assist you with the logistics, scheduling and all other aspects of your furniture purchase and installation,  They can work directly with everyone involved in your project and take the burden off of you. Instead of worrying about schedules, budgets and warranties, you can focus on continuing to run your business.

Are you ready to choose to invest in new office furniture?   With over 45 years in the furniture and design industry, the Bellia experts have the knowledge and resources to create a space that will help you reach your business goals.  Give us a call today to get started!

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