
How Massage Chairs Can Boost Your Business

How Massage Chairs Can Boost Your Business

The title of this article probably made you blink. It’s likely that you haven’t given much thought to massage chairs at your workplace, much less how adding massage chairs can boost your business. After all, what are employees getting done when they’re in a massage chair? But in fact, massage chairs can offer a real […]

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The Value of Greenery In Your Workspace

The Value of Greenery In Your Workspace

You probably see plants in office spaces almost everywhere, whether they’re real or artificial. They’re used to create a natural look and contribute to a relaxing environment. But have you considered the benefits of greenery that go beyond visual appearance? Our design partners at Mizetto place a high value on sustainability and the true value […]

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The Story of Your Spine: How To Avoid Strain and Pain

The Story of Your Spine: How To Avoid Strain and Pain

If you work in an office every day, you’re undoubtedly aware of the effect of poor ergonomic seating on your back. The major problem with it, though, is that we often don’t know if we’re doing damage to our spine in the long run. Poor seating habits and equipment can result in chronic and increased […]

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Acoustical Pods – The Distraction Free Office Design Future

Acoustical Pods – The Distraction Free Office Design Future

No one who works in an office needs to be told about the distractions of office noise…it’s inevitable that there will be nearby conversations. Some of them will be work-related, some not, and sometimes the volume of people talking is louder than it should be. There’s also seemingly constant noise from machines, outside workers, and […]

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The Impact of AI on Interior Design

The Impact of AI on Interior Design

As we’re all reading, AI is influencing everything these days, and the world of interior workspace design is no exception. The impact of AI on interior design is happening in a number of ways, and through it, we are seeing opportunities to truly transform how office spaces are designed in the future. Ways AI Is […]

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Creating A Functional Multipurpose Room

Creating A Functional Multipurpose Room

Whatever type of business you’re operating, you may be dealing with space limitations in your facility. This can especially be true in a big city like Philadelphia, where square footage is hard to come by and is priced at a premium. Why not create a multi-purpose room that makes the most of your space? When […]

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Moving Sustainability Forward: Haworth Cardigan Circular Lounge Chair

Haworth Cardigan Circular Lounge Chair

Everywhere in the business world, companies are looking to improve product and manufacturing sustainability, as the world looks to a cleaner future with the goal of zero waste. There is always room for improvement and making things better, and while the ultimate goal may never be entirely achievable, many businesses have shown remarkable innovation. This […]

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Keeping Your Students’ Devices Running

Keeping Your Students’ Devices Running

In the modern world of education, students of all ages are using laptops and other devices constantly. They use them in the classroom, at home, and wherever else their studies and homework may take them. While these devices open up a whole new world of possibilities and simpler solutions, it does occasionally present a challenge […]

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Transforming Educational Spaces With Effective Signage

Transforming Educational Spaces With Effective Signage

A large part of an eye-catching, effective and functional educational space design is the signage. If your signage is unclear or dull, it reflects on your facility. But it’s more than just improving the look and function of your space. Signage is an opportunity to make a statement about your school. Take advantage of the […]

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The Impact of Noise in Your Workplace – And What You Can Do About It

The Impact of Noise in Your Workplace

Whether your employees work in an office, warehouse, store or other environment, being able to focus requires a sufficient amount of quiet. It’s not just people talking that can be a distraction. Office employees especially are subjected to the sound of HVAC systems, printers, ringtones, text alerts…you get it. Soon background noise simply becomes an […]

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